Integration of Akeneo v.1 into the Snow Queen Infrastructure


Snow Queen is Russia's largest chain of multi-brand fashion stores, an expert in leather and fur outerwear trade and manufacture.


It was necessary to improve the Product Category section, add the function of product category status change and provide the mass upload of photo content, set up the product status display by cities, and integrate KAIS with the PIM system for the conversion of numeric and alphabetic code numbers into comprehensible designations for the e-commerce shop.


Due to seasonal changes of product collections on the website, Snow Queen needed constant updates in the Main Product Categories with the subsequent product shift into the Outlet category. As a rule, the PIM system only allows changing the category of one specific product. Improvements to the PIM system gave an opportunity to add, transfer and delete products in specific categories. Thus, seasonal collection changes have been implemented much faster..

rus: Akeneo PIM Категории товаров


By default, the PIM system does not support the display of category status. Our developers have implemented the opportunity of the category status control, with its data being transmitted directly to Magento.

rus: Akeneo PIM Статусы категорий товаров


The customer used to rely on KAIS for the internal use of product information. This system complicated the data edit process, as all information was displayed in a technical language.

During the integration of KAIS data with the PIM system, our developers added an algorithm that allowed the conversion of numerical and alphabetic designations of code numbers into a comprehensible language for the e-commerce store.

rus: Akeneo PIM Таблицы соответствия


The ecommerce store integration with the PIM system allowed the connection of products from several categories.

Thus, the Look category promoted the sales of several products at once, instead of a single product.

rus: Akeneo PIM Ассоциации товаров


By default, PIM system allows you to upload one photo at a time. Our developers added the opportunity of mass photo upload and download for further processing, as well as of specifying which product photo will be displayed on the website as the main photo, and which will appe

rus: Akeneo PIM Фотоконтент сайта
rus: Akeneo PIM Фотоконтент сайта


The customer wanted to make the product status – in stock or out of stock – visible in the PIM system.

By integrating the PIM system with Elastic, our developers provided the opportunity of displaying information about product's availability by cities in the PIM system.

rus: Akeneo PIM Отображения наличия товаров по городам


Snow Queen is one of our most dynamic clients.

Though our client constantly provides us with new challenging tasks, our team always successfully develops new functionalities and manages the maintenance of all the existing integrations.

It was just after a month of intense work on solving the existing problems that the website broke records for the number of pages viewed and the number of orders per day!

+ 39,9% — increase in the conversion rate

+ 67,6% — increase in profitability

+ 57,8% — increase in the number of purchases

+ 3% — increase in the average purchase amount


«Following the results of several years of successful collaboration, I want to thank my colleagues from Together, we've come a long way, have tackled lots of puzzling problems, have managed 3 Black Fridays, have developed and; successfully launched several major projects estimated at more than 2000 person-hours. Both company's management and I are absolutely satisfied with this collaboration. We look forward to continuing our fruitful cooperation. I wish and all its employees prosperity and professional growth».

Roman Radovich

Director for the Snow Queen Internet projects

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