What is PIM system, MDM system, DAM system, KT.team PXM system

MDM-, PIM-, DAM-, PXM systems

What are MDM, PIM, DAM, PXM systems?

We briefly talk about MDM-, PIM-, DAM-, PXM systems, and give examples.

20+ implementation projects have been implemented PIM systems

The maximum number of items in the catalog is 200+ million

We implemented a PIM system and configured catalogs to be uploaded via 13 channels in 8 weeks

Pimcore's strategic partner in Russia in 2020—2023, Brandquad's official partner


MDM system

Learn more about PIM, MDM, DAM, PxM - KT.team
How MDM system differs from PIM, DAM, PXM systems - KT.team

Master data management is a master system for any data (entities). A single platform for storing information about products, customers, address directories.

Popular MDM systems:
IBM InfoSphere MDM, Oracle MDM, SAP Master Data Governance, Pimcore, 1C:MDM, Informatica, Semarchy, Profisee, Riversand.


PIM system

Learn more about PIM, MDM, DAM, PxM - KT.team
How does the PIM system differ from MDM, DAM, PXM systems - KT.team

Product information management (PIM) system is a master product information management system. It allows you to upload, edit and synchronize data from CRM, CMS, ERP and other systems and upload information to these systems and sales channels.

Popular PIM systems:
Pimcore, Akeneo PIM, TreoPIM, Salsify, Brandquad, Productsup, Pimworks cloud solutions.


DAM system

Learn more about PIM, MDM, DAM, PxM - KT.team
How the DAM system differs from PIM, MDM, PXM systems - KT.team

Digital asset management is a master system for files and media files (images, videos, specification documents, etc.). In the past, it was a PCM (product content management) system.

Popular DAM systems:
Pimcore, Akeneo PIM (Enterprise version), Phraseanet, ResourceSpace.


PXM system

Learn more about PIM, MDM, DAM, PxM - KT.team
How does the PXM system differ from PIM, DAM, MDM - KT.team

Product experience management is a system that stores marketing information about a product with different variations in its characteristics, taking into account the rules for publishing external sources, target audience segmentation and positioning.
The PXM system always includes a DAM system, as advertising banners from the same advertising campaign can be broadcast on different channels (websites, social media accounts, and in different formats).

Popular PXM systems:
Pimcore, Akeneo PIM (Enterprise version), Phraseanet, ResourceSpace.

Does your business have similar tasks?

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Don't know which PIM system to choose?

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